Tuesday, December 15, 2009

DNS with Geo location....

Did u know that DNS has this feature with BIND version 4 and greater, that supports LOC records? Well Records are information that you can normally get from a machine that runs a DNS server Process. LOC Record is a specific type that provides information regarding the latitude,longitude & altitude of the server. Basically helps you to locate the DNS server on a geographical map, thereby identifying location of the machines, which use that DNS server as the Authoritative server. Pretty cool, if you are trying to map the clients that you are interacting with on a the map.

But the disadvantage of this mechanism ,is that malicious users can identify the physical location ( @least narrow it down) using this method, thereby causing security concerns... Due to this reason, most of the DNS server's do not support this specific request type or provide incorrect information. This sucks!! :(

Well... due to this, I need to find different ways to identify the location of the clients that I interact with for my project... That again sucks!!! :(

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Share files using Torrents....

We are going to read through a few set of simple steps ,that could help you to share huge content with your fnds and family using P2P. As soon as I said P2P, the first thing that pop2 to your mind is pirated content. Well P2P is used to share a lot of Pirated content, but not all content is pirated. It even used legitimately for sharing big files such as Fedora, Ubuntu OS Images, Free S/W, other content... etc :)))


1) Create a torrent file, that basically creates a snapshot of u r file in few words.This is used for verification and also contains the tracker URL.

2) Share the torrent file with other users who would like to download this content.

3) The public tracker that I use is "http://tracker.openbittorrent.com" and this information is provided in step 1.

Once u r fnds use the torrent file using any of the torrent clients like Vuze, Transmission, the client would contact the public tracker, which would then provide your IP address* for download.

More the # of users, the less the amount of time it takes for the download.

*NOTE: You need to load u r torrent to be hosted ,else the tracker would not know that you have the content to be shared.

Hope this is simple to understand...


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Basics of Peer to Peer

Many are using P2P application to download both legal & Illegal content from the Internet ( Ya, I know you don't do it...:P ).Vuze formerly known as Azureus is popular since it supports torrents in addition it allows the user to search for content using keywords which is not yet supported by any other Bittorrent client. Furthermore it even has a graphical view of the files pieces being downloaded, the distance between the various clients with whom you are connected and other stuff which provide easy to understand info to the naive user.

well some basic terminology first

1) Peer : Any computer on the Internet that runs a Bittorrent protool supported application.
2) Seed : Peer's who have completed the download of a specific file and are online, just to upload to other peers interested in the same file.
3) Leech: Peer's who are actively downloading the content.
4) Swarm: Peer's connected to each other actively swapping file blocks form a swarm. In Basics terms, each file will form its own swarm for distribution.
5) Freeriders: Peers,who download content but never upload content to other peers when requested.
6) Tit-for-Tat: This is a transfer mechanism implemented in Bittorrent protocol to avoid freeriders.For each forward block transfer, they should be a transfer in the reverse direction, else the connection is discontinued.
7) Tracker: Responsible for hosting the torrent file that contains info regarding the file size, HASH for validation and also the coordinator for various peers.
8) # of connection: 5 active connections & 30 passive connection.

well this is the stuff that I know, update this list ASAP with new info.


Saturday, February 28, 2009

Content-Centric Networks

I recently viewed a video article by Van Jacobson on Content Centric Networks.The concept is really awesome and just what the INTERNET needs now to improve its usability.Well Let me explain what this fuss is all about!

To access any specific content,you have to access a specific site that contain the content for retrieval.So you need to know the location of the server that contains the information that you need.Well this made sense in the past before the days of google or yahoo's search engines.Now it is possible for us to know the location of the days by just typing the name/tag of the content that we need.The search engine does the job for and provides the source location of this content.

Now consider this concept in which the content is not stored in one place but it could be stored on your shared disk,which you,out of u r big heart have donated to the INTERNET. Now you have multiple source locations of the same content. Being said as the content being literally on the INTERNET cloud.

This helps us to avoid a central server being swarmed for a popular content and localize the content delivery.Helps us to avoid unnecessary network traffic.

well does it not look like a P2P system or even caching for that matter.I did think it was like that but P2P works well in case of popular content,cos then you have more seeders or in case of caching there is still a central source. Remove the term popular content and make it possible for all content and make is available everywhere (users shared disk driver )instead of specific cache servers and there you go,you have content centric networks.